Past speakers
Over six years, UN Behavioural Science Weeks have featured prominently the work of the UN including the work of more than 50 UN Entities. The Weeks have also involved discussion with prominent individuals, including those below.
United Nations

Guy Ryder
Under-Secretary-General for Policy

Melissa Fleming
Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications

Diene Kieta
Assistant Secretary- General, Deputy Executive Director, Programme UNFPA

Richard Thaler
Nobel Prize Winner
Professor of Behavioural Science and Economics, University of Chicago

Abhijit Banerjee
Nobel Prize Winner
Professor of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

John List
Professor of Economics,
University of Chicago

Iris Bohnet
Professor of Business and Government, Harvard University

Samantha Power
USAID Administrator

Rodney Ghali
Assistant Secretary to the Cabinet, Privy Council Office, Government of Canada

Sabrina Artinger
Head of Unit, Behavioural Science and Citizen-Centered-Government, German Federal Chancellery